REMINDER: All Anderson School District 4 schools and offices are CLOSED today (December 18) through Monday, January 1, for our Winter Break. Our staff returns on Tuesday, January 2 for professional development, and students return to school on Wednesday, January 3.
about 1 year ago, ASD4
ASD4 Schools and Offices Closed for the Holidays
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) TOMORROW! The national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests are scheduled to begin at approximately 2:20pm ET on Wednesday, October 4. The WEA portion of the test will be directed to ALL consumer cell phones. The test message will display in either English or in Spanish, depending on the language settings of the wireless handset. The EAS portion of the test will be sent to radios and televisions. *** PLEASE NOTE *** Experts advise people at risk for domestic violence who keep a hidden safety phone at home to switch that phone OFF during FEMA's October 4, 2023, nationwide test of the National Emergency Alert system so the phone's existence is not inadvertently revealed to an abuser. Read the full text of the FEMA press release here:
over 1 year ago, ASD4
person holding mobile phone
Since space is limited in our cafeteria, we've been trying to find creative ways to invite our parents to interact with our students during the school day. Here's your first opportunity!
over 1 year ago, La France Elementary
Morning Monitors
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is working with A4 to provide flu vaccines at your child’s school on October 19. This year DHEC is offering both the flu shot and the flu nasal spray. It is important that all children get vaccinated every year. There will be no cost to you or your child for the flu vaccine/nasal spray at school. If applicable, payment from Medicaid will be made to DHEC on your behalf. If you would like your child to get a flu vaccine or flu nasal spray at school, please follow the directions at this link:
over 1 year ago, La France Elementary
Remember that an adult must stay with skaters.
over 1 year ago, La France Elementary
skate night
Join us for dinner on Thursday!
over 1 year ago, La France Elementary
Good Eats Diner
Please join us! Everyone is welcome.
over 1 year ago, La France Elementary
Title I, PTO, SIC Meeting
You can find information about our GT referral process at this link.
over 1 year ago, La France Elementary
Don't forget to order your 2023-24 yearbook! They are on sale now. You can order via order form or online at They are $25 each. The last day to order a yearbook is November 17.
over 1 year ago, La France Elementary
Our 2023-24 school shirts are being pre ordered now. They are $15 (add $2 for 2X and $3 for 3X) and orders are due August 31. You can order online at or by order form. We will send home order forms one last time on Thursday, August 24. If you need an order form before then, ask your child's teacher or stop by the front office.
over 1 year ago, La France Elementary
school shirt
Morning choice begins on Monday, August 14. Morning choice allows your child to choose what he/she would like to do before school starts each morning. They can read, checkout books, and work on Chromebooks in the media center. They can sit quietly and relax in the hall. Or course, there is everyone's favorite - going outside to play on the playgrounds! Morning choice begins at 7:10. Please remind your child to eat breakfast before making morning choice. We hope to see everyone at 7:10!
over 1 year ago, La France Elementary
Good morning!
Please add to your calendars.
over 1 year ago, La France Elementary
Welcome Back Night
We are so thankful for our School Bus Drivers. We appreciate everything you do to make sure our students make it to and from school safe and on time ! #ASD4 #Experience4
almost 2 years ago, Anderson 4
Thank you to the school bus drivers. For always going the extra mile. Graphic of school bus
We have a great group of students here! Not only are they hard workers, but they also are talented artists!
almost 2 years ago, Anderson 4
Displays of students work and art work!
Displays of students work and art work!
Displays of students work and art work!
Displays of students work and art work!
Displays of students work and art work!
Displays of students work and art work!
Save the dates! Join us as we celebrate the academic accomplishments of our students! The awards program will be held in the gym and start promptly.
almost 2 years ago, Anderson 4
Festive flyer for academic accomplishments of students for the 2023-2024 year.